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Real estate is a lucrative and ever-growing industry. With the increase in the number of real estate investments, property management has become a complex and time-consuming task. Property managers are constantly trying to find ways to make the management of their properties easier and more efficient. One way to achieve this is by introducing self-management into the equation. Self-management can help to make real estate management easier and more efficient by allowing property owners to manage their own properties without the need for a middleman.

What is Self-Management?

Self-management is a method of managing properties where the owners are responsible for their own real estate. Self-management means that owners are in charge of their own property and are accountable for the decisions they make. This includes setting and managing rental rates, tenant screening, rent collection, maintenance, and any other tasks involved in managing a property. Self-management can be a great way to save time and money while still providing quality service to tenants.

Benefits of Self-Management

Self-management can help to make real estate management easier and more efficient in a number of ways. One of the biggest benefits of self-management is cost savings. By taking on the responsibility of managing your own property, you can save on the cost of hiring a professional property manager. Additionally, self-management allows you to have more control over your property and the decisions you make regarding it. You can set the rent rates and tenant screening criteria that you prefer and you don’t have to worry about someone else making decisions for you.

Another benefit of self-management is that it can help to improve tenant relations. By taking on the responsibility of managing your own property, you can build relationships with tenants and get to know them better. This can help to improve tenant satisfaction, which can result in higher occupancy rates and more repeat tenants.

Finally, self-management can be a great way to save time. By managing your own property, you don’t have to wait for a property manager to handle tasks like rent collection or maintenance. This can help to free up your time so you can focus on other aspects of your business.

Tips for Successful Self-Management

Self-management can be a great way to make real estate management easier and more efficient, but it is important to keep a few tips in mind to ensure that it is successful.

First, it is important to be organized. Self-management requires that you keep records of all of your financial transactions and other important paperwork. It is important to stay organized so that you can quickly find any information that you need.

Second, it is important to stay up to date on the laws and regulations that apply to your property. Knowing the rules and regulations that apply to your property can help to ensure that you are in compliance and avoid any problems.

Third, it is important to build relationships with your tenants. By getting to know your tenants, you can build trust and make them feel comfortable in their rental unit. This can help to improve tenant satisfaction and help to keep your occupancy rates high.

Finally, it is important to stay on top of maintenance and repairs. By staying on top of maintenance and repairs, you can help to keep your property in good condition and avoid any potential problems.


Self-management can be a great way to make real estate management easier and more efficient. It can help to save time and money while still providing quality service to tenants. However, it is important to keep a few tips in mind to ensure that self-management is successful. By following these tips, you can ensure that your self-management efforts are successful and make real estate management easier and more efficient.

If you want to learn more about real estate self-managing check out my book on Amazon.

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